Photos On the road (Democratic Republic of the Congo) Fungus (Democratic Republic of the Congo) Dinner (Mexico) Carrying the equipment to the camp (Cambodia) Myotis myotis and Myotis blythii colony in Hungary Rhinolophus philippinensis (Borneo, Malaysia) Canopy walk (Borneo, Malaysia) Glauconycteris superba (Democratic Republic of the Congo) Viper (Cambodia) Hibernating bats in an abandoned railway tunnel Tick on a Miniopterus schreibersii Sampling for Pseudogymnoascus destructans study Visiting a bat cave in Mexico Bat cave (Mexico) Harp-traps over a stream (Borneo, Malaysia) Defecating bats Tarsier (Borneo, Malaysia) View in Chiapas, Mexico Vampire bat cave (Mexico) Little boy (Democratic Republic of the Congo) Using liquid nitrogen to store samples Termite roost (Democratic Republic of the Congo) Bat fly on a Miniopterus schreibersii Trioceros sp. (Democratic Republic of the Congo) View from the camp site (Vietnam) Destroyed forests by the palm oil industry Kingfisher (Borneo, Malaysia) A Myotis infected with Pseudogymnoascus destructans Chameleon (Borneo, Malaysia) A stream in Vietnam Rhinolophus hipposideros with a tick on the tail membrane Forest (Borneo, Malaysia) Delicious insect snack (Vietnam) Stream (Borneo, Malaysia) Snake full with bats (Borneo, Malaysia) Emerging bats at the Deer Cave (Borneo, Malaysia) A tick on the cave wall Harp-traps can catch bats with sensitive sonar